Proizvođač / Brand: Decoy

Cijena / Price: 5,50€  4,68€

Dostupne varijante / Models

* Veličina udice - Težina glave / Hook Size - Head Weight:
- +

5 pcs in pack - 2/0, 3/0

4 pcs in pack - 4/0, 5/0

This is a tuned hook with a weight balance that fully brings out the performance of high-density backslide worms, and allows worms that normally have difficulty backsliding or kicking back to do so. Use the backslide to reach the deepest part of the cover at once, and use the kickback fixed-point action to instantly make the big bass use its mouth. In terms of hooking performance, even with bulky worms that can't be set to hook well, the hook point always points upwards, the point does not waver, and the response is better than expected. The base hook is "KG hook Worm 17" which has a proven track record and is highly rated for use on bulky worms.